Management of Large Enterprises 'Insurable Risks 大型企业的可保风险管理
The thesis is divided into five parts: The first section elaborates the historical development concept and constitutive elements of principle of insurable interest, and demonstrates the establishment of insurance originates from the needs when people experience risks, that is "no risk, no insurance". 第一部分重点阐述了保险利益原则的形成、概念及其构成要件,说明保险的产生源于人民应对危险的需求,即无危险则无保险。
Insurance is a risk financing activity that manages insurable risks. 保险是一种管理可保风险的风险融资行为。
By means of bringing a large number of insurable risks together, insurance companies earn profits by effectively managing these risks, with the use of various risk management strategies basically based on the principle of law of large numbers. 保险公司是通过汇聚大量的可保风险,利用大数法则的原理,通过利用各种策略管理汇聚的风险来赚取利益的公司。